Youth Programs
Engaging young minds with life long skills.
The Harvest Moon Society is presently engaged in a variety of educational projects, which promote the Society’s greater vision of vibrant rural communities, healthy land, environmental stewardship, and regenerative farming practices.
Relationships with various organizations and institutions including the Prairie Spirit School Division and the University of Manitoba have enabled a diversity of educational programming for all ages.

Field Trips
Our field trips link land-based learning and community-based learning, teaching children and youth life-long skills to become active and thoughtful citizens.
The Harvest Moon Society has developed a package of field-trip programs that complement and supplement current provincial curriculum. We aim to provide a diversity of entry points to learn about sustainable agriculture, society, environment and the economy. Led by volunteer facilitators and local experts, most of our activities have been designed for grades 6-12, however we can develop a program for younger students as well.
Urban Youth Field Trips
The town of Clearwater offers a unique learning environment. For an urban student experiencing rural life for the first time, the lack of traffic lights and ATMs, and the night sky lit up by thousands of stars, can awaken a new awareness of the world. As students learn about how the changes to agriculture, rail transportation and the global economy have affected these communities, they learn about resilience and persistence in changing times as well as exploring the issues that connect urban and rural communities, including watersheds, food production and prairie ecosystems.
Rural Youth Field Trips
One of our goals is to increase the diversity of learning opportunities available to rural students. Local experts provide specialized local knowledge of the land, its history and its community, engaging our youth in our own backyard. Field-trip packages can be tailored for day trips, or include an overnight camp-out to fully appreciate the dynamics of the land and sky.
Planning Your Trip
With the space and resources of the Harvest Moon Learning Centre we can host groups for the day or overnight and tailor education programs lead by our skilled volunteers. Overnight lodging may include our dorm rooms, our rustic, three-season cabins, or a good ol’ fashioned camp out.
If you are ready to plan your field trip, please contact info@harvestmoonsociety.org.
Camps and More
HMS organizes many group activities throughout the year and can assist your organization in putting together retreats or excursions that make use of our unique facilities.
This would be a small paragraph about camps, similar to the one we have about Field Trips. This would be a small paragraph about camps, similar to the one we have about Field Trips.
New Moon Kids Camp
Three full days of camp for kids ages 7 to 11, held at the Harvest Moon Learning Centre.
The camp program is based around themes of local food and agriculture, the natural environment and sustainable living, and rural communities. Activities include fast-paced outdoor games, hands-on science experiments, creative arts and crafts, food preparation and more.
Both local and out-of-town children are welcome to register. Tent camping and RV spots are available for families wishing to come and stay in Clearwater for the 3 days.
Please contact info@harvestmoonsociety.org
for more information or to register.
New Moon Youth Nights
One evening a week throughout the summer, our graduated New Moon campers aged 12-17 meet for education and fun. Beginning at the end of June and continues every Wednesday until the end of August, participants will make food together, enjoy activities based around agriculture and arts and spend time in nature, along with some really neat farm tours.
Please contact info@harvestmoonsociety.org
for more information or to register.
An annual outdoor education event for grades 7 and 8 students in the Prairie Spirit School Division. Through experiential workshops and trail stations, the students explore themes related to soil and water conservation, forest ecology, geography, sustainable food systems and resilient communities. The activities and interactions with conservation experts offers the teenagers a glimpse of possible careers in environmental fields.
Please contact info@harvestmoonsociety.org if you would like to volunteer as a workshop or station facilitator.