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The Harvest Moon Society is founded in the spirit of cooperation, community, camaraderie, and a shared interest in building a sustainable food system for future generations. Through partnership and consultation with the local residents of Clearwater, Manitoba the Harvest Moon Society purchased the town’s elementary school and converted the building and grounds into the Harvest Moon Learning Centre.
Our Mission
To develop a learning centre that works toward strengthening and building linkages between urban and rural areas, empowering communities while creating strategies and infrastructure to sustain community and environment. This will be carried out using a diversity of tactics focused on grassroots and participatory practices.
Our Vision
A world in which healthy land and communities are celebrated by all, leading to equitable food systems, a sense of place, and care for the environment now and in generations to come.
Join the Harvest Moon Society to help further education relating to sustainable food systems, regenerative agriculture, and environmental stewardship.
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For over a decade the Harvest Moon Society has been transforming the local food landscape in Manitoba. We have worked to enhance marketing opportunities for small-scale producers; provided a diverse range of educational training and workshops; and connected urban residents to rural communities and landscapes. '
Along the way, we have met countless enthusiastic supporters who have encouraged and inspired our work. Stay connected by joining our mailing list to be kept updated about news, events, workshops, and ways to get involved.
Read our past Newsletters

Make a donation.
Since our seedling days, the Harvest Moon Society has been run by volunteers. As we grow, the scale and diversity of projects we undertake has stretched our capacity. Donations of any size help us to continue building a more equitable and sustainable food system. We are grateful to all of our donors who support our fruitful dreams!
Donations to the Harvest Moon Society go directly to covering our costs of maintaining the Harvest Moon Learning Centre and delivering educational programs.