Friends of HMS
Harvest Moon Festival
Every September since 2001, The Perennial Harvest Moon Festival has celebrated healthy land and healthy communities in the town of Clearwater, Manitoba. The festival builds bridges between urban and rural people through music, educational workshops and gatherings of farmers and eaters. The Harvest Moon Festival supports the work of the Harvest Moon Society. By attending the festival you play a direct role of supporting the ongoing work of the Society.
Pembina Valley Watershed District
The Pembina Valley Conservation District (PVCD) was officially established by Order in Council on October 2, 1989, after four years of negotiations between local municipalities. The original members were the Rural Municipalities of Lorne, Louise, Pembina and Thompson. Pembina Valley was the sixth CD to be formed in Manitoba since 1972. There have since been twelve more additions.
The primary reasons for forming the Pembina Valley Conservation District involved concerns with the loss of valuable topsoil through wind and water erosion in the area. Water shortages for local farmers, and erosion of municipal roads, have also been persistent problems. The establishment and operation of a CD has provided local landowners with technical and financial assistance to participate in the kind of soil and water conservation programs that they feel are needed.
With the announcement of Municipal Amalgamations in 2014, the PVCD's partners changed somewhat. Our urban partners were kept intact, with the addition of the Villages of Somerset and Notre Dame de Lourdes. The Municipality of Pembina, R.M. of Stanley, R.M. of Thompson, Municipality of Louise, R.M. of Lorne, Cartwright-Roblin Municipality and City of Morden were all still members.
Effective January 1, 2020 the Province of Manitoba proclaimed The Watershed District Act. With this proclamation the Pembina Valley Conservation District became known as the Pembina Valley Watershed District (PVWD). We became a true watershed based approach to watershed management in Manitoba.
United Community Arts
United Community Arts in Pilot Mound, MB is a nonprofit organization that runs the former United Church complex as a centre for the arts in the Municipality of Louise.
The UCA is a space where all artists of all levels of talent can come and take workshops or teach. Showcase their work or rent the space.
The UCA is a community where music comes to life and the stage is a safe space for all people.